Sample lesson plans with multimodal mathematics curriculum materials that may be applied in the classrooms of migrant children:

Throughout the project, the lesson plans based on peer learning, play and drama were developed at the levels of kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades for use in the classrooms serving refugee and immigrant students. Lesson plans were prepared on “algebraic thinking patterns” to include different levels of difficulty for levels in early mathematics learning. The algebraic thinking patterns take a significant place in mathematics teaching programs of the pre-school and elementary school periods. Through number and image patterns, the basis of algebraic thinking is formed in the early years. The subject of patterns was chosen especially because it was suitable for the development of mathematical skills of the students at multiple levels of mathematical thinking.  In addition to these lesson plans suitable for in-class use, sample lesson plans with a family participation element were prepared for each stage regarding the same subject. Lesson plans were prepared in a way to require the use of multimodal mathematics curriculum materials.


Sample Lesson Plans

Patterns_1st Grade Lesson Plan
Patterns_2nd Grade Lesson Plan
Patterns_3rd Grade Lesson Plan
Patterns_Kindergarten Lesson Plan


Sample Work Sheet 

Preschool, 1st Grade, 2nd GradePDF
3rd GradePDF
4th GradePDF
What do they look like?PDF

Supporting Teachers Working With Refugee and Immigrant Children in Mathematics Education.
The Project MIGRA-MATH (215K478) is Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).



TED Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No:48 06420, Kolej Çankaya Ankara